Peter Erhard - photodiary

19 mars 2006

The basement from The Evil Dead. It's in my house.
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Life is hard

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Lauri, king of curling.
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18 mars 2006

15 mars 2006

12 mars 2006

It doesn't get more low-tech than ice. Take that, interactive institute!

11 mars 2006


I imagine Tom in a t-shirt with this printed on.

08 mars 2006

Today is international womens day. Since ninety years, women all over the world are celebrating their struggle for equality, justice, peace and development. In Estonia, men give women tulips. If i, as a man, would give any Swedish woman a flower to acknowledge their many years of hardship and struggling it would be considered incredibley disrespectful.

Sorry that the same job makes me more money than it does for you, have a flower.

07 mars 2006

05 mars 2006

The house next to the Chinese wall

The house known as the Chinese Wall

Corny cat.

02 mars 2006 goes free! Every now and then things come up that make life grand and pandora might just be one of them.

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