Peter Erhard - photodiary

30 april 2006

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Tallinn easter egg - the deserted tennis courts
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18 april 2006

What company?
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17 april 2006

Close on Lamgoughini
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Going for the jug
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Bohus fästning
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12 april 2006

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10 april 2006

Are you Ok with this then KJ?

Just playing around

09 april 2006

Russian garages

08 april 2006

First real day of spring. A walk by the central industrial sights without jacket. Eight in the evening and still bright out, just as amazing as last year.

Why do russian people keep speaking russian to me? Most other peolpe try with whatever foreign words they know, try gestures or just drop the conversation. Russians just go on and on with increasing interest. Always cheers me up but i wonder why they always zoom in on me of all people.

What do you do with this thing?

Bet that looks nice when the leaves break out

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01 april 2006

Wailing wall
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Where to hang the dart board?
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Spring is the worst time of the year
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Black wood
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